4 research outputs found

    Tedarik zinciri optimizasyon çalışmaları: Literatür araştırması ve sınıflama

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models.Tedarik Zinciri, tedarikçiler, üreticiler, dağıtıcılar ve toptancılar gibi bir grup organizasyonu birleştiren entegre bir süreçtir. Tedarik, üretim, dağıtım ve talep planlama konularını içerir. Bu konular stratejik, taktik ve operasyonel kararlar almayı gerektirir. Bu araştırma tedarik zinciri planlamasında hangi tedarik zinciri konularının, hangi karar/planlama seviyelerinin ve hangi optimizasyon metotlarının literatürde en çok çalışıldığını göstermektedir. Çalışma 1993 ve 2016 yılları arasındaki tedarik zinciri planlama konusundaki 77 adet çalışmanın incelenmesine ait sonuçları sunmaktadır. İncelenen çalışmalar şu kriterlere gore kategorize edilmiştir: karar seviyesi, tedarik zinciri optimizasyon konuları, amaçlar, optimizasyon modelleri

    Spinal füzyon olgularında akut normovolemik hemodilüsyon uygulaması

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    TEZ1667Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1995.Kaynakça (s. 41-46) var.46 s. ; 30 cm.

    Perception of affordances for vertical and horizontal jumping in children: gymnasts versus non-athletes

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    WOS:000563354000001 PubMed ID: 32853118Purpose: We investigated the perception of affordances for vertical jumping-and-reaching and horizontal jumping by children.Method: In the horizontal task, children were asked to judge their ability in the standing long jump. In the vertical task, children were asked to judge the height of a ball that they could run to, jump up, and reach with their fingertips. Following judgments, children performed both types of jumps. We compared gymnasts (children with at least 2 years of gymnastics training; 7.92 +/- 0.91 years) versus children with no competitive athletic experience (7.74 +/- 0.86 years).Results: As expected, actual ability was greater in gymnasts than in non-athletes, for both types of jump (eachp< .001). We separately analyzed Constant Error and Absolute Error of judgments (relative to actual performance). Results revealed that gymnasts tended toward underestimation, while non-athletes tended toward overestimation. Absolute error differed between tasks for the non-athletes (p< .001), but for the gymnasts the difference between conditions was not significant (p= .25). Absolute error differed between groups for vertical jump-and-reach (p< .01) but not for horizonal jump (p= .17).Conclusions: Gymnastics experience was associated with a generalized tendency for children to underestimate their jumping ability. In addition, gymnastics experience was associated with judgment accuracy that was consistent across tasks. The results reveal that gymnastics training is associated with changes in athletic ability, but also with changes in the perception of affordances

    Türkiye'de Çocuk Yoğun Bakımda COVİD-19 ile İlişkili Multisistemik İnflamatuar Sendrom Tanısı Alan Hastaların Sonuçları: Çok Merkezli Çalışma

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